Join the Permaculture Community for a pint and a rousing discussion on creating resilience in our society. With the upcoming Resilience Festival taking place on Earth Day April 22nd, we thought that we would start the conversation of what resilience looks like to you.
Cycling in Edmonton
I like to get around town by bicycle, rather than drive a car. Bicycles are a brilliant invention, a perfect example of what permaculturists call appropriate technology, allowing able-bodied humans […]
President’s Message and AGM Results
Our theme for 2017 is We’re Growing! Come and Join Us. We’re growing because of you, because of your interest and support. Because of your participation. Today’s world calls for fully alive, fully connected, fully expressed individuals. It calls for people with creative ingenuity, a desire to learn and the ability to collaborate and problem solve. It calls for people with an identity that is rooted in relationship to the whole, and who carry the passion and tools needed to respond to the great work before us.