Whether you are new to permaculture or a veteran, there is always more you can learn. We’re here to give you some ideas and to point you in the right direction. Permaculture is a journey – a way of being, a practice, perspective, and a context sensitive collection of tools and guidelines – than it is a destination or a particular way of doing something. There are as many flavours of permaculture as there are people who practice it – yet there are core sets of ethics, principles, and design approaches that almost all of those people would agree upon.
What is permaculture?
Permaculture is the practice of designing sustainable human habitats by following nature’s patterns to yield an abundance of food, fiber and energy.
Permaculture is about growing food almost anywhere and creating beautiful edible landscapes that over time, start to regenerate themselves. It is also about acting locally to help your neighbourhood become more connected and resilient, building community with people who share the values that form the fundamental principles of permaculture:
care of people
care of the earth
share all surplus
Essence of Permaculture: Click to review a 16 page summary of permaculture concepts and principles taken from ‘Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability’ by David Holmgren.
Who is permaculture for?
Permaculture is garnering the attention of more and more people like you with a variety of backgrounds and it truly appeals to a wide range of individuals . You might feel a particular affinity for permaculture if you are interested in gardening, growing food, organics, acting locally, sustainability, community building, food security, resilience, green architecture and design, reducing dependence on oil, transition communities and more…
Here is a cool song about Permaculture:
“You haven’t got an excess of slugs, you’ve got a duck deficiency.”
— Bill Mollison
“What permaculturists are doing is the most important activity that any group is doing on the planet. We don’t know what details of a truly sustainable future are going to be like, but we need options, we need people experimenting in all kinds of ways and permaculturists are one of the critical gangs that are doing that.”
— David Suzuki
For more detailed information, check out our resources page.