We are a local nonprofit membership society with deep roots in Edmonton. Our organization was formed in 2007 by a group of people passionate about permaculture and the solutions that this design system offers our civilization.
Our Mission
Permaculture is the harmonious integration of landscape and people. Permaculture, being bounded by the ethics of care of people, care of earth and reinvestment of surplus, can provide food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way. The specific purpose of the Edmonton Permaculture Guild is to support a local community of those interested in permaculture by producing educational and social events, enabling permaculture projects and providing opportunities to exchange information related to permaculture design.
To nurture and improve the health and resilience of Edmonton’s communities and landscapes through the promotion of permaculture values and principles.
Our Work
We come together to develop a truly sustainable way of life by mounting and supporting projects that…
- Build Community
- Educate and inform
- Transition Land
Our History
From its beginnings in 2007, the little seed that has grown into the Edmonton Permaculture Guild germinated when Ron Berezan (www.theurbanfarmer.ca) began teaching small classes about permaculture and related topics in Edmonton. The students from these classes were so engaged that they wanted to stay in touch, and as a result, some wonderful potlucks took place and the Edmonton Permaculture listserv was born.
A couple of years later, we started getting together on a more regular basis and this snowballed into the first Edmonton Permaculture Convergence in the spring of 2010. It was a full day including an epic potluck lunch. About one hundred people came out and participated in a day of permaculture inspiration filled with talks on edible plants, inner city chickens and bees, education and community building.
Over the years, many members of the community have come forth to lend their time and energy in building permaculture awareness in Edmonton. Always, there has been the desire to build a deep rooted and sustainable core of knowledge and awareness around Permaculture… One that included workshops and education opportunities, community outreach, and of course potlucks, gathering like minded individuals around food and talks from people in our community who are doing amazing things.
In 2013, we hosted the Harvest Fest, a day of workshops and community connections, capped off with wonderful food and great music. We had kombucha brewers, beekeepers, cheese makers, how to introduce fermented foods into your diet, and an amazing basket weaving workshop that took over the hall. It was an event where we learned so many new things from the people in our very community; we connected with old and new friends.
Following the energy surrounding the Harvest Fest and the great year of Permablitzes, we incorporated The Edmonton Permaculture Guild as a nonprofit. Although this process was a steep learning curve for all those involved, it was a rewarding one. Building on the foundation that hundreds of Edmonton permaculture enthusiasts have been working towards all these years.
In 2014 we were invited to work with The Local Good in helping to organize Edmonton’s first Resilience Festival. An entire weekend of local products, sharing skills and information from yoga classes to cider brewing and bicycle repair was the result, demonstrating just how incredible our capacity is to do amazing things in this city. 2017 will mark the third successful Edmonton Resilience Festival.
Stay tuned for announcements on our calendar of events for 2016. We are all pretty excited to see the Edmonton Permaculture Guild grow and we invite you to be a part of this amazing community. Please join our newsletter to hear how!
Thanks for visiting our site, and good luck on all your permaculture ventures. We look forward to seeing you at one of our events!
Or contact us here on the website!