Edmonton Permaculture Guild Events
Permies at the Pub
Nov 17th 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Situation Brewery – 10308 81 Avenue Northwest
The Edmonton Permaculture Guild is hosting Permies at the Pub, Featuring 4 fantastic Local Guest Speakers
- Solbird Energy with Matt Simard & Kea Adachi – The future is here! Off Grid Systems and incentive programs. Alberta – we’re making the switch to a brighter more resilient future!
- PLANTiful – with Amy Beaith-Johnson, PLANTiful is an artisan apothecary company, creating locally made Skin Care Products that are healthful and full of nutrients for our skin.
- Designing with Nature with Dustin Bajer – The Birds & Bees of Permaculture
- Wild Green Garden Consulting with Claudia Bolli – Revealing the Awesome world of Microbes in our soil and even in our beer
A Q&A to follow along with some yummy craft beer, FREE pizza and great conversation.Join us for a special night where our community comes together in celebration. Tell us your needs and yields and how the Edmonton Permaculture Guild can help build a dynamic and resilient future for our city.Only 35 tickets available so don’t delay – get your tickets today.
Let’s have some FUN! Good people and a place to meet, laugh, share, raise a glass and enjoy!
#YEGPermiesAtThePub #YEGLocalFood #YEGResilience
Annual General Meeting & Potluck, Sunday January 22nd, 2017 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location: Ritchie Hall
Call out for Volunteers:
We are very excited to be hosting a number of events this year. If you would like to play a role and/or have the opportunity to talk permaculture with like minded individuals at community events, please let us know – there are plenty of opportunities to get involved. Please subscribe to the newsletter to stay tuned to all of the latest news and events taking place in our fair city.
We are always looking for committee members to assist in planning and executing events! It’s a ton of fun, talking permaculture and learning from each other!
Check out some of our past events…
Local Permaculture Related Events/Courses
We’re in the process of moving this lovely long list into calendar format for easier browsing – check it out here!
August 20 – Intermediate Beekeeping Class
September 3-5 – Family Homesteading Camp
September 10 – Designing Water for Home, Property & Garden
September 15 – Chickens 101
2016 Northern Alberta Permaculture Convergence – September 16th to 18th
To grow the expanding edge of designers, practitioners, and educators who are taking responsibility for care of earth, people, and the future.
- To support individuals in how best to develop their skillsets and knowledge in working with rather than against natural patterns.
- To enrich the inter-generational community of environmental, social and spiritual activists through the creation of a safe, inspiring space and demonstrative, festive gathering.
- To provide resources of contextual information and a platform for the participant’s ongoing permacultural development.
- To establish an enjoyable means by which practical life skills, hands-on capacity-building, and the exploration of appropriate technology is brought to the forefront of the learning process.
- To celebrate the yields of our professional, artistic, and spiritual efforts and gather momentum in furthering the positive adaptation of all life in Alberta.
August 11th – Gargantuan Potluck in the Orchard
Hosted by the Edmonton Permaculture Guild and Operation Fruit Rescue, We met so many new people at our potluck – what fun! The food was fantastic! OFRE past Presiden Mike Johnson addressed the group and told them all about the organization and the orchard. Later in the evening, we made cider from all of the fruit that was brought to the site. OFRE’s beautiful table was installed – a 90lb beauty that seats over 20 people has now been installed in the centre of the orchards Mandela. We had prizes galore!
The Gargantuan Potluck will be an annual event taking place every year in the OFRE Orchard at McCauley School. The orchard is the largest urban orchard in Canada and through the efforts of both our organizations, we will continue to develop the site to support a multitude of fruit trees and shrubs along with all of the supporting vegetation and perennial plant life that will attract pollinators to the orchard in the years to come. Stay tuned for a workshop on developing an Espalier at the Orchard.
August 4th – Premier of Sustainable Me Documentary Series at the Metro Theatre
The entire series is now available on the Sustainable Me website. The DVD is available for purchase through the Edmonton Permaculture Guild. Please contact us at info@edmontonpermacultureguild.ca
If you are a school or educational facility and would like to discuss how the Sustainable Me Documentary Series can play a role in your schools curriculum around sustainability, food security, urban agriculture, rainwater harvesting, composting, local bee keeping etc. please contact our President at president@edmontonpermacultureguild.ca
Stay Tuned for Season II
June 5th – We’re Blitzing Mike Hudema’s Yard
In appreciating for everything that Mike Hudema does for this province in pushing the green initiative, and in celebration of Mike’s decision to go solar, we are blitzing Mike Hudema’s yard by taking out his resource heavy lawn and transforming his yard into a food oasis with the installation of a mini foodforest. An added bonus to this venture was the Edible Yards in Blook nominated Mike’s yard for an award following our installation – Wow! How awesome is that!
April 29-May 1, 2016 – Edmonton Resilience Festival
April 14th, 2016 – Mini-Market and Potluck, Ritchie Community Hall
Bring your friends! An opportunity to showcase some of your talents, share events, and ideas, or sell your wares. We had some great vendors lined up: Stoney Creek Farm, Alberta Yarn Project, Salvadorean Women’s Organization, Honey Lady, Harvest Microgreens, Roots & Wings Permaculture, Chickadee Farms, Sandy Acres Permaculture and more! We also had folks speak about wonderful local projects from earthships to rocket mass heaters… Most especially the Resilience Festival!
January 24, 2016 – Last Annual General Meeting – If you are interested in serving on the board but couldn’t make it to the AGM, please email us at edmontonpermacultureguild@gmail.com.
July 2015 – Prairie Urban Farm Tour
May 2015 – Permie Potluck
April 2015 – Screening of Inhabit: A Permaculture Perspective
April 2015 – Hand Tools Workshop with Takota Coen of Deep Roots Permaculture
March 2015 – Permaculture Project Plan Party
February 2015 – Edmonton Resilience Festival
February 2015 – Screening of In Transition 2.0
The Edmonton Permaculture Guild & The River City Permablitz Network held a Harvest Fest at Ritchie Hall on November 2, 2013. We had a wonderful celebration of our growing community and all of the fantastic work that is being done around food security, building resilient communities and growing awareness around Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share.
Monthly Speaker Series – Past Speakers
June 2013
Rob Avis with Verge Permaculture spoke to us on rainwater catchment.
May 2013
Susan Penstone is involved in many projects including Growing Food Security in Alberta (GFSA). She shared her vision to achieve food security and food sovereignty in Alberta.
April 2013
The Urban Farmer shared some reflections on the work of Joanna Macy and how it relates to building community through permaculture. Ron also updated us on his inspiring work in Powell River and in Cuba.
March 2013
We enjoyed a panel presentation of how to reduce our carbon footprint by eating local food. The speakers included: Anita Gregoire, On Borrowed Ground; Tam Anderson, Prairie Gardens and Adventure Farm; Amy Beaith, OFRE; John Schneider, Gold Forest Grains; and Chantelle Leidle.
February 2013
Tad Hargrave of Marketing for Hippies guided us through some fun activities to explore how to build community through permaculture events.
January 2013 Event
We had some great discussions, brainstorming and a potluck to engage community members in existing and new initiatives.
December 2012
Kevin Kossowan shared some of his fascinating videos about food, gardening, raising chickens and The Carbon Farmer. You can find his blog and videos at www.kevinkossowan.com
November 2012
Rene Michalak brought us his perspective on Re-think Red Deer, The Centre for Urban Agriculture, Growing Food Security in Alberta, the Urban Ag Summit in Toronto this past August, and his permaculture walk-about in Australia.
August 2012
Sally Issenman, an urban bee keeper extraordinaire, maintains bee hives right here in Edmonton. She gave a very inspiring talk about the pros and cons of maintaining a hive on your city lot.
July 2012
Dustin Bajer gave us a tour of the aquaponics system, wicking beds, and courtyard food forest at Jasper Place High School. http://permacultureschool.ca
June 2012
Claudia presented her work with school gardens and naturescapes, such as indoor growing through Little Green Thumbs, outdoor food gardens and other greening projects. www.wildgreen.ca
May 2012
Joachim gave us a tour of his orchard and garden in Riverdale. His amazing yard includes apple, pear, plums, sour cherry and apricot trees. He has also ventured into more exotic plants including black walnut tree, grapes, and kiwis.
April 2012
Rocky Mountain House Demonstration Farm and Education Center – Jeff and Julilynn Gillies spoke about their mission to produce all their own food and energy at their permaculture demonstration farm.
March 2012
Wild Edibles – Cherry Dodd spoke on edible wild plants, both native and non-native, that grow well in Edmonton’s gardens, and how to use them to diversify our gardens and plate. http://edmontonnaturalizationgroup.org
February 2012
Presentation about the urgent need for a local food strategy by Debbie Hubbard with GEA and representing Friends of Farmers.
January 2012
Michael Victoria Moore presented her experience of the 2011 International Permaculture Conference and Convergence in Jordan.
November 2011
In support of River City Chickens, a presentation of the Mad City Chicken documentary.
October 2011
Composting and Vermicomposting – Mark Stumpf-Allen – wasteman@edmonton.ca
September 2011
Permaculture Techniques used in Cuba – Becky Lipton
July 2011
Social Permaculture – Dustin Bajer – http://permacultureschool.ca
June 2011
Herbs for Your Garden – Gwen Simpson – www.inspiredgardens.ca